
Nutrients and the Environment It is a reaction front to nutrients so they are less likely to change with exposure to the environment. Analysis of nutrients in the laboratory is trying to set tones of gray - just how much of the nutrients are there? This has proved virtually impossible to do. Even sending hair samples from the same donor at different laboratories yield contrasting results. Each vitamin and most minerals are present in blood in very small concentrations. Blood also contains a large number of chemicals and molecules, and many of these tend to interfere with tests of vitamins and minerals. For this reason, a procedure such as HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography) that separates the vitamin or mineral from pollutants are generally carried out before taking the actual test. After the separation or purification by HPLC, the vitamin or mineral is detected by a color reaction or fluorescence reaction. In these reactions, the amount of color or fluorescence that is formed is proportional to the amount of vitamins or minerals in the sample, allowing the amount of nutrients present in the original sample to be calculated. In the case of some nutrients, purify the factor of interest is reacted with a chemical (reactive) before detection. Hair analysis helps hair loss specialists to reach a diagnosis of hair loss. There may be several causes of hair loss in women and hair in men and after a correct diagnosis is made, proper treatment of women, hair restoration can be suggested. This does not mean all the hair analysis is not valid. Hair analysis is a useful method to define the exposure to heavy metals. A hair analysis can reveal whether a person has had chronic exposure to chemical toxins in the environment. And, of course, the hair analysis can be used to show that...

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