Let's talk about how we develop a reading of letters, this is good to know both consultants to the interpreter as this will unfold better this act of divination and things will be more harmonious. In every act of reading Arcana cards in order to obtain a prognosis or to inquire about the future or present or the past of a person or situation you want to see it should know that the process of reading the cards is step or steps that follow. First step: Shuffle the secrets, this step is given by both parties by both the consultant and the tarotista. This step is very important because q is sought thereby impregnate the energies involved. Step Two: Cut the arcane, this step is usually given only by the client is where its fate is decided projection.
Step Three: Select and distribute, this step is performed by the consultant on the choice and the tarotista on the distribution. Sometimes only the tarotista is short and that makes the distribution of the arcane as distribution of such arcane ignoring the passage of the election by the consultant. Fourth step: The construction, this step is provided by the tarotista which seeks to draw conclusions from the structure of the roll of the arcane and intuition. Usually the consultant has in mind the specific question or topic on which you want to ask, but this is not always the case, there are people who prefer that the questions come out of the development of own reading. The consultation usually begins with a reading where the tarotista gives general information on general aspects about the life of the client.
Some people however prefer instead to give details so that the previous interpretation from the beginning this very track to detail that they prefer to know.
Step Three: Select and distribute, this step is performed by the consultant on the choice and the tarotista on the distribution. Sometimes only the tarotista is short and that makes the distribution of the arcane as distribution of such arcane ignoring the passage of the election by the consultant. Fourth step: The construction, this step is provided by the tarotista which seeks to draw conclusions from the structure of the roll of the arcane and intuition. Usually the consultant has in mind the specific question or topic on which you want to ask, but this is not always the case, there are people who prefer that the questions come out of the development of own reading. The consultation usually begins with a reading where the tarotista gives general information on general aspects about the life of the client.
Some people however prefer instead to give details so that the previous interpretation from the beginning this very track to detail that they prefer to know.
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